Los Alamos Flute Choir And SaxAtomix Join Forces Dec. 18 For ‘Sounds Of Christmas’


The Los Alamos Flute Choir and the SaxAtomix are joining forces at 2 p.m. Saturday to make the Holiday Season merrier for the community. “The Sounds of Christmas” concert will feature well-known Christmas tunes and carols (including White Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, Let it Go, and Amazing Grace). Each of these ensembles are formed by instruments with different ranges (i.e., soprano, alto, tenor, bass/baritone, and contra-bass).

All are invited to enjoy this FREE holiday concert 2:00 p.m. Saturday, December 18th at United Church in Los Alamos, 2525 Canyon Road. Thank you for supporting local music.

SaxAtomix members are from left, Joyce Guzik, Wendy Keffeler, Paul Lewis, Bryan Fearey and Adolfo Meana. Courtesy photo

Los Alamos Flute Choir members are, back row from left, Tracey Speyrer, Nina Epperson, Megan Tholen, Heidi Morning, Ivanna Peterson-Austell. Front row: Wendy Keffeler, Jo Ann Howell and Rob Dunham. Courtesy photo