Obituary: John K. ‘Jack’ Sullivan, Sr. April 11, 1938 – Feb. 24, 2024

On February 24, 2024, God called John K. Sullivan Sr. (“Jack”) home to be with him. This was just four short months to the day after his beloved bride, Jonelle. Jack is finally standing hand in hand with Jonelle, in the presence and surrounded by the glory of God for eternity. This is something that he spent a lifetime wanting to experience in its fullness.

Jack was born on April 11, 1938, in Pittsburg, PA, to Austin and Elizabeth Sullivan. He was the second of three children and loved both sides of his family. From the age of nine, Jack was called to the ministry by the Lord. At that young age he was traveling the path towards priesthood being raised Irish-Catholic. However, a twist of fate would change the way he would serve God.

After his mother’s death at a young age, Jack was raised primarily by his father but spent some of the time staying with relatives so that his father could work. It was through these various moves that Jack was called to the path of pastor. While staying with his mother’s brother, he attended the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Mount Joy, PA. It was there he accepted Jesus as his Savior and began a relationship with him that became close, deep, and personal. It was this relationship and calling that carried him to Nyack, NY for bible college and while attending school there, he met the love of his life Jonelle Wallace. His heart instantly belonged to her, and together they would build a family.

They began with the birth of their first son named after his father, John Jr (Johnny). Then came the adoption of their daughter, who was named after her mother, Joni Marie. Shortly after, they welcomed the birth of their daughter Janice Elaine. Their son, Joseph Wallace was born some years later and their family was completed with the adoption of their daughter Bethany Dawn.

After graduating from Nyak Bible College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Missions, Jack would move on to seminary for his post-graduate degree at Wheaton College in Illinois. It was after graduating there, having obtained a Bachelor of Divinity and ordination, that he would enter the ministry. After 13 years, God called Jack to Los Alamos, NM. He would pastor an established local church for 10 years before God called him to a different path.

In 1991, God gave Jack a desire and calling to join the Vineyard Association of Churches. He established Grace Christian Fellowship and eventually joined the Vineyard formally, adding that to their name. Jack pastored and led this church for 27 years until his retirement in 2018. Even in retirement, Jack never abandoned his calling. He was always there for others in any way he could be. He was an empty vessel for the Lord to use however he was needed. Although his official title was Reverend, Jack never liked to be called anything but Pastor. He never saw himself as a man to be revered, but as a man to shepherd, teach and share the love of God with everyone. He was a man that was faithful to God and his calling no matter what the cost. He had good times and dark times, but he never lost his belief in three main things. No matter how dark things became, he would say over and over, “God is good, God is faithful and God is loving”. They were the three constants he hung on to even when he did not feel God anywhere around. He stayed focused on these truths throughout his life until he completed the race.

While the hearts of his family have broken at the loss of their patriarch, the head
of their family, we know that he is in heaven rejoicing with his love Jonelle. This loss is unexpected and leaves a hole in not only the hearts of his family, but in the heart of the community. He was a father to many.

Jack’s heart was always thirsting for two things. One, to see the glory and presence of God manifested in its fullness through worship, and two for the unity of the church not only in Los Alamos, but across the world. These were integral parts to him and his ministry. He encouraged a spirit of worship in his services and had a heart and love for missions. He supported missionaries from various parts of the world and he participated in as many interdenominational functions as he could.

Jack felt strongly about the good news of the Gospel. He preached the salvation message at every funeral and memorial service he led. As such, he would have wanted to use this moment for one last sermon. “For God so loved the world he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him will not die but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) God does not want your perfections, he wants your heart as is. God loves you so much that he sent a way for the price of your sin to be paid so that you may be with him for all eternity. If you acknowledge Jesus as your savior and ask him in prayer to come into your life and to save you from the price of sin, he will wash you clean like a bright white snow. God is jealous for you and covets your heart and soul, he loves you.

Jack is proceeded in death by his father Austin and mother Elizabeth Sullivan, as well as many aunts, uncles, and cousins. Jack is survived by his son Johnny and grandchildren Shawn, Faith, and Jonathan Sullivan. His daughter Joni and granddaughters Erin and Ashley (Rob Bueck) Sullivan. Daughter Janice (Clay) Taylor and granddaughters Brooke and Cameron Taylor. His son Joseph (Michelle) Sullivan and grandson Joshua Harrison. And finally, his daughter Bethany (Tanner Barber) Sullivan. His sister Jean Sullivan Quay, brother Austin Sullivan Jr, and many beloved nieces, nephews and cousins.

Jack joins his other half, his soul mate and greatest love of 63 years, Jonelle Rose. To have known and watched them together was to be touched by true love. It was too much for him to living on this earth without her. It should be no surprise that he went to join her so soon. The two of them were truly one in every way and are now together for eternity, just as it should be.

“Well done, well done. Good and faithful one. You have run the race and now you’re home.”

The family of Jack would like to offer a special thank you to Dr. Ziomek and the LAMCC family for their endless care and support as well as the many doctors, nurses and other professionals at Los Alamos Medical Center and Christus St. Vincent’s Hospital that cared for him as he made his way home. And finally, for Amber and Antonio and the Rivera Funeral Home family for the above and beyond love and care they have shown throughout this time.

A memorial service for Jack and Jonelle will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2024, at the Los Alamos Church of Christ, 2323 Diamond Drive at 10 am, followed by a time of food and fellowship.

Please feel invited to share memories, condolences, or photos of Mr. Sullivan for the family to cherish at