Retaliation, Anti-DEI And Civil Rights Advocacy Failure In Real Time


White Rock

When Dr. Simesha McEachern, President of NAACP Santa Fe, shared the above January 8, 2024 communication from Andrea Determan, LAPS Director of Inclusive Schools, and LAPS Superintendent Jennifer Guy, I was stunned. In my 30+ years of navigating non-profit, community, education, and corporate spaces, I have rarely—if ever—witnessed such an egregious violation of civil rights, personal freedom, and equity from an administrator tasked with leading Diversity and Inclusion; let alone a leader asserting her deep knowledge of DEI practices and a lifelong commitment to the NAACP in its work to protect the Civil Rights of marginalized people, while simultaneously violating every principle the organization represents.

Because your attack and violation of my and Jaiya Devi’s privacy and Civil Rights were so personal, centering on “victim blaming”, so shall my response be. 

ANDREA DETERMAN: As a Black woman raised to revere the work, sacrifice, and legacy of the Civil Rights leaders who walked this walk before us, I am deeply ashamed of who you are and what you have done here. Your NAACP communication is vile, unnecessarily vicious, and willfully demeaning. Your “credentialing” reflects a Black, entitled woman actively attempting to diminish and erase the voice, rights, and presence of another while advocating for a superintendent and school district that is not only negligent in affording marginalized people in its community Title VI protections afforded to them by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (and New Mexico Civil Rights Act of 2021) but have been historically complicit in concealing multiple incidents of discrimination, racism, and racial harassment occurring in the Los Alamos community. Why is it that there was no policy in place to protect marginalized students from racist and offensive language before Jaiya and I demanded its creation in November 2022? Where is the culturally inclusive curriculum mandated by the State of New Mexico ( currently being implemented in LAPS schools? Why is AP African American Studies being planned for implementation by the District? Why was the predominately white, female, educator-driven Equity Council reformed to focus on diversity and inclusion? Why is the District now embracing “diversity hires”? How do you think you came to hold a position centering DEI in the LAPS schools? Who do you think presented, advocated, and led ALL these Equity efforts? YES. I am a “new” parent in this community but my work and commitment to supporting and protecting marginalized students is crystal clear. Where is your Equity footprint here after 20 years? From the moment you announced “I’m from Harlem” and “I met Dr. King and Malcolm, it changed my life.”, I have worried your lack of professional DEI practices and arrogance posed even more of a liability to marginalized district students, than your absence. As a parent, I witnessed your advocacy and declarations for the teacher who racially traumatized the only 2 Black students in her classroom, while you never acknowledged my daughter (or the other Black student and parent) sitting close by and waiting for an Advocate, a protector, to show up. How dare you believe you possess the right to call into question allegations that you have never once sought to better understand or to seek details regarding. My allegations “have come to your attention”? The fact you conveniently omitted every relevant detail of our federal lawsuit, state lawsuit, District investigation, Office of Civil Rights complaint, ACLU complaint, Public Education Department complaint, 2022-2023 Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression (ARAO) complaints, multiple Attorney General complaints, and a GOOGLE Drive of 2000+ historical communications and documents aligning to my now 17 allegations against the District is telling. You do not represent the work or the character of those who have and do dedicate their lives to progressing Civil Rights and protecting those denied. You should not only be removed from NAACP membership, you are not equipped or capable of holding the Los Alamos Public Schools role and title of Director of Inclusive Schools. Jaiya Daniels and Luckie Daniels are members of the school and BIPOC community too. You were also hired to represent us. You are no advocate or leader and are not equipped to lead the transformative Equity change Los Alamos Public Schools requires.

JENNIFER GUY: Your deep hatred, bigotry, and willingness to exploit anyone and any circumstance to maintain the power you exert in the Los Alamos community is dangerous and tragic; I pity you and those under your leadership. I especially feel sorry for all LAPS students—marginalized or not. They deserve role models and educators who lead by example to prepare them for the diverse world they will enter when they leave Los Alamos. It can only be your inability to understand, desire, and/or commit to Equity preventing you from seeing how easily and frequently you violate the rights of those with less power in this district. This by definition is how systemic racism presents and does so much harm. You are the Superintendent who only recently informed me that you interviewed my daughter without my consent because you “care for Jaiya”. This matter reflects the true depth of your caring for my daughter. All the performative DEI measures the District can implement in preparation for our court proceedings will not hide the racial-equity sickness that exists here and is fostered by you. You cosigned on this action with Andrea Determan, your signature bar reflects that. You are equally accountable.

NAACP SANTA FE: When Jaiya and I were invited to share our Los Alamos experience to a closed, Executive session of NAACP Santa Fe leaders, I had no idea we needed to be protected from those very same individuals. We came to the NAACP vulnerable, exhausted, and afraid after having an encounter with someone parked outside our front gate who circled our home for more than an hour; leaving us afraid to exit our car (12/19/23). This was followed by Jaiya (who talks herself through anxiety daily now) being unexpectedly “interviewed” and lied to by LAHS administrators the next day (12/20/23). We came seeking refuge, believing you would be the only people to understand our journey, and with that, one of you violated our privacy, trust, and rights. Your actions not only compromised the history and work of NAACP Santa Fe, it damaged the integrity of the NAACP organization as a whole. Your actions compromised Jaiya and me while violating every principle and mandate the NAACP has ever espoused. My prayer is that the person or persons who shared our private requests for support with LAPS administrators (respondents and defendants in the legal actions in progress), will stand up and acknowledge their actions today. I hope you care more for your NAACP peers and the organization’s legacy than what has been shown thus far. If you choose not to identify yourself, all forthcoming actions [which include consideration for legal remedies] will seek to hold the NAACP Santa Fe chapter accountable.

Be advised that not only is this response, and the LAPS District Policy 5132R Parent Grievance to follow citing violations of LAPS District Policies 4001 (Code of Ethical Responsibility of the Education Profession), 4034.1 (Employee Speech) and 5130R Nondiscrimination (RETALIATION), being shared with you, will be immediately released to the community at large, print and online media outlets (local, state, and national), my Civil Rights legal counsel, my extensive DEI/Technology professional network, and the historic Civil and Human Rights organizations [and advisors] who have supported me throughout my life and career as an activist, advocate, and Equity facilitator.

The Parent Grievance and LAPS School Board hearing request is forthcoming. Additionally, a new allegation citing retaliation has been added to the District Investigation managed by Treesineu McDaniel. NAACP Santa Fe should also anticipate further actions seeking legal redress and accountability for the breach of trust and violations of the protection you have sworn to provide People of Color since 1909.