United Church To Hold ‘Lights, Camera, Action’ For All Ages On Sunday Evenings During August

United Church of Los Alamos

Formerly calling it Vacation Bible School, The United Church of Los Alamos is radically making August Sunday Evenings, 5-7pm, into something like summer camp, but for all ages. The two hours will be packed with supper for all, age-appropriate arts and crafts, Bible stories and study, lots of music and singing, movie making, games, and rock hunts.

The theme, LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! will take us into the story of the early church in the Book of Acts and zoom in on our congregation today and how we, too, act as disciples of Jesus.

Featured in a music session renowned drummer, Rick Cormier will teach about drumming as one of a myriad of spiritual expressions. For those in the know, Manhattan Project scientist and Nobel prize winner Richard Feynman started honing his considerable drumming skills right here in Los Alamos, so we’ll even give it a try!

Please register since there will be SUPPER. Want to know more or help out in some capacity? Please contact Children’s Ministries pastor, Laura Loving, 262-853-4138, or the United Church office, ucoffice@unitedchurchla.org.