Local Rotarians Join In Fair & Rodeo Parade

Rotarians gathered Saturday morning to participate in the annual Los Alamos County Fair & Rodeo Parade.  This year they are welcoming Youth Exchange students Hannes Wiertzema from German, second from left, and Olivia Hsieh from Taiwan, fourth from left.  From left:  Jim O’Donnell, Wiertzema, Alison Pannell, Hsieh, Rob Metcalf, Linda Hull, and Skip King. Photo by Bob Hull

Rob Metcalf, left, and Skip King spread Rotary good will along Central Avenue during the Fair and Rodeo Parade. Photo by Bob Hull

Rotary Club Youth Exchange students Olivia Hsieh from Taiwan and Hannes Wiertzema from Germany accompany the Rotary Club truck in the 2022 Fair & Rodeo Parade. Photo by Bob Hull