Stick To Child-Safe Activities For Summer Camp.

White Rock

We have a sex offender registry full of people who thought they had a right to other people’s children. Our society rightly condemns child sexual solicitation and exploitation.  When it happens online in chatrooms, it is a crime.  Yet, here in our county, this activity is being moved from the chatroom and being pushed to a classroom setting.  The Los Alamos Arts Council and the Fuller Lodge Art Center are unwittingly and unnecessarily putting an instructor and children at risk.

This summer, the Fuller Lodge Art Center is opening summer camp programs for minors that involve the exploration of Pride and LGBTQ.  Children will be solicited to discuss their sexual identity.  This class is a pedophile’s dream come true.  This will be child grooming in the works, with parents being complicit by signing their kids up for it.  It does not matter what your persuasion is; children are not an appropriate target for adult sex topics.  Why?  Because desensitizing kids to sexual topics leads to exploitation.

Most folks know not to blur the line with kids. If this were being done in a creepy chatroom, nobody would be supporting this.  Parents, do not let your guard down.  You have an obligation to protect your children from predatory influence.  Our community has an obligation to stop the sexualization of children by adults and to protect instructors from the potential accusations.  It starts here.  Stick to child-safe activities for summer camp.