Join Los Alamos-Japan Institute Mar. 7 For Conversation On Peace And Peace Museums


Join the Los Alamos-Japan Institute March 7 to talk about peace. Meet Japanese museum leaders from the Kyoto Museum for World Peace at Ritsumeikan University and the International Network of Museums for Peace. Dialogue with experts on Japanese museum perspectives on war and peace, new exhibitions, new museums, and the art, artifacts and sacred human stories teaching peace.

Join the conversation with LAJI Founder, Dr. Judith Stauber and LAJI Chair, Clifton Truman Daniel, grandson of President Truman, and meet Kyoto and Fukushima colleagues:  Professor Shinichi Ago, Director of the Kyoto Museum for World Peace; Ms. Junko Kanekiyo, Kyoto Museum for World Peace Curator; Dr. Kazuyo Yamane, International Network of Museums for Peace and LAJI Global Advisor; Dr. Ikuro Anzai, Scientist and Honorary Director Kyoto Museum for World Peace.

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