Los Alamos Academy of Scientists Announces Contest


In a recent commentary published by the Los Alamos Reporter, Liviu Popa-Simil gave a five-page problem inspired from reality and announced a contest related to the problem.

The contest is sponsored by the Los Alamos Academy of Scientists.

“The challenge is for students at Los Alamos High School, UNM-LA and all science teachers in town,” he said. “A parallel contest will be hold with same subjects for Los Alamos National Laboratory postdocs, with prizes to be determined based on participation and quality of the answers.”

Other high level scientists are invited to comment or send answers. The The answers to problems have to be sent by e-mail with the subject “Insane Acceleration Cars” to  laaos@laaos.org

Deadline for the contest is March 1 and prizes  are:

$200 – 1st place – 5 questions solved and pertinent explanations
$100 –2nd place or 4 question solved and valuable comments;
$50 – 3rd place
$10 gift cards for Smith’s will be presented to 5 honorable mentions.

The link to the contest is https://losalamosreporter.com/2019/01/29/u-s-education-is-in-deep-trouble-and-there-is-no-easy-solution/