Lighting Ordinance Change For Los Alamos County


An updated lighting ordinance has been proposed for the new Los Alamos County Development Code. The proposal has allowed for an increased upper color temperature of 3000K. This means very bright lighting in residential areas. Some of our neighborhood lighting is aging and the replacements suggested are LEDs. The Friends of the Night Sky, a group concerned with keeping our light pollution to a minimum, has had some input in the draft and favors a lower color temperature range, 2200K. 

If you agree with the concept of dark skies please voice your concern. Public input is an important piece of finalizing the new codes.

The draft is available at,

You can email your support to :

Jessica Lawless,

Bryce Ternet, – County Council – Environmental Sustainability Board – Parks and Recreation Board 

Public comment will be accepted through March 15, 2022.

The information gathered will be presented to Los Alamos County Council on March 15, 2022.