Letter From ‘Los Alamos High School Softball’ Not Viewpoint Of 95% Of Team Or Parents


The letter you recently received from LAHS SOFTBALL 21@proton mail is not the viewpoint of 95% of the team or their parents.  I am a parent of a senior on the team and have coached many of the girls in Little League.  We were shocked by the accusations. 
We have not witnessed this type of behavior from the coaches. I personally spoke with team members who were also surprised by the email.  They did not compose the letter and feel many things were exaggerated and taken out of context.

While there are very small truths listed, you have not heard the full story or context of the events.  We have new coaches this year and we were looking forward to having a season.  I will agree that some past coaches have played favorites.  This year I saw girls who came to practice and worked hard that got positions based on their play, not on their popularity or family connections.  It was a breath of fresh air.

It’s unfortunate that an investigation must happen now, but it is necessary to find if there are any truths to the allegations.  Hopefully the investigation will unveil the whole story, not just one tainted viewpoint. 
I personally felt the need to reach out to you explaining these are not the views of the majority.  Staying anonymous while allegations are investigated is best for team members.  Not for fear of coach retaliation,  but best to get to the truth.

A Team Parent