Watch Documentary ‘Stolen Childhood’ In Los Alamos April 27



What happens when familiar signs of mental illness – rapid-onset OCD, tics, anxiety, hyperactivity, depression, and other behavior changes – are misdiagnosed? This is the unfortunate reality for many children living with the auto-immune disease known as PANDAS / PANS. It is estimated that approximately 1 in 200 children suffer from Pediatric Auto-immune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep or Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome.

Many families who seek answers when their children display these behavior changes endure a long journey of misdiagnoses and a lack of awareness. Children often receive a “laundry list” of diagnoses and labels along the journey and struggle through treatments that don’t necessarily help. The documentary film, “Stolen Childhood” aims to take an in-depth look into the lives of some of these families, the impact of PANDAS / PANS, and the consequences of misdiagnosis.

Let’s expand our conversations around mental illness to include potential triggers such as strep and other illness.

What if more knowledge and understanding of this condition can change the course for even just one child who is suffering?

What if more knowledge and compassion can fully support parents and other family members through their journey?

Come join us for the only New Mexico screening of this new documentary at 2 p.m. on Saturday April 27 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. In addition to the film, we will have a guest speaker and a panel of professionals for questions and answers.

For more information about this event, contact Debbie DeSimone at 505.412.3232 or, or Tom Steward at 505.412.0010 or We would love to know if you are planning to attend, but feel free to just show up as well!